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Back e-Transport RO 1. 7. 2024

After reporting the goods, a UIT code will be generated, which must be recorded on all accompanying documents. The obligation applies to all international shipments, not only to goods with a high risk of tax evasion. High fines are at risk if you do not fulfill this obligation.

The UIT code must be recorded on all accompanying transport documents

The obligation to register the transport is on the side of the Romanian entity (importer, exporter, warehouse). After entering the shipping data, the system generates a unique UIT code, which the ordering customer must send to Kuehne+Nagel. The UIT code must be recorded on the accompanying documents of the goods during transport. Without a valid UIT code, it is not possible to provide truck transport. The code can be requested 3 calendar days before the start of the expected transport, it is valid for 5 days.

If the UIT code is missing or incorrect, there are sanctions

If there are any discrepancies, the UIT code is missing or incorrect, the truck will stop and all shipments will be blocked and at the same time sanctions from €1,000 to €20,000 will be applied.